Andrea Raza
Andrea Raza attended Conservatory of Music “Jaime Mola,” where she studied piano until she graduated in 2003. She has also taken private singing classes and attended workshops about Choir Conduction. As a student at INEPE high school, her love and passion for music and children led her to create the Children’s Choir at this same community-based school that benefits people from vulnerable and poor areas of the city. She now leads 45 children, adolescents, parents, and teachers that are part of this choir. She has participated in Choir Festivals in Quito, Colombia, Chile, Argentina and Brazil. Andrea currently works at INEPE School as Coordinator of the Talent Development Program. She has been part of the group of organizers of the Suzuki Festivals since 2012. She also has a bachelor degree in linguistics and a master’s degree in English teaching, where she also applies the mother tongue philosophy with her students.