Thoughts from Outgoing Board Members
Video by Lamar Blum, Christie Felsing, Diane Schroeder, Beth Titterington
Tags: Board, Video, Virtual Leadership Retreat 2009
Date: April 28, 2009

A Suzuki violin teacher for over 30 years, Lamar Blum was introduced to Suzuki Method in 1963. Since that time, she has established a Suzuki studio in Elgin, Illinois for violin, viola, cello, bass and flute. As director and teacher, Lamar organizes, administrates and teaches in the Elgin program. Lamar has served a three-year term on the board of directors for Suzuki Association of the Americas. She has also served the SAA as a committee chair & co-chair for the National Conference, speaker for the Leadership Conferences and has contributed several articles to the American Suzuki Journal, the summer Minijournal and Suzuki World magazines. She hastaught at institutes across the country (both summer & weekend) and has directed the Montana Suzuki Strings Institute since 2005. As a member of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra for three decades, Lamar served on the players’ council for ten years of those years.

Diane Schroeder, Past Board Chair, has been a violist with the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra for 19 years and is Past President of the EPO Board and Chair of the Advisory Council, which started the Evansville Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Diane has an extensive history in volunteer service and leadership. In addition to her work with the SAA, she is a trustee at the Methodist Temple, a member of the Board of Friends of Music at the University of Evansville and member of the Board of the YWCA.
Diane is an organist and member of the American Guild of Organists. She is mother of three and grandmother of one and is an accompanist for the University of Evansville Suzuki program.

Beth Titterington has been involved in the Suzuki Method since 1972 when she first heard the Japanese Talent Education Tour Group. She has studied with many people in the field, including Dr. Suzuki. Mrs. Titterington is a Violin Teacher Trainer for the Suzuki Association of the Americas and served on the SAA Board of Directors from 2006-2009. She founded an SAA regional affiliate, the Heart of America Suzuki Association, in 1979. From 1978 to the present, she has taught at hundreds of Suzuki Institutes and Workshops in the United States, Canada and in England. She received her M.M. from the University of Missouri ( KC) Conservatory in 1977 and then studied with Marilyn McDonald at Oberlin and Michaela Comberti in London. Mrs. Titterington has been adjunct faculty at both the University of Missouri (KC) and the University of Kansas.