Zachary Sweet

Zachary Sweet is a performer and teaching artist that enjoys a varied carrier of teaching and stage, performing both classical and new music, and teaching young beginners through college aged students alike. He encourages versatility in students and leads through curiosity. He is a registered Teacher Trainer for the Suzuki Association of the Americas, instructor of cello at Nazareth College and Binghamton University, and on the faculty at Ithaca Talent Education and Music Together of IthacaZachary Sweet is a registered Teacher Trainer with the Suzuki Association of the Americas. He is currently an instructor of cello at Nazareth College, Binghamton University, and on the faculties of Ithaca Talent Education and Music Together of Ithaca. Nationally, he is in demand as a clinician having lead workshops, masterclasses and institutes across the United States and Canada.