Wendy Caron Zohar

Wendy Zohar, violinist, B.M. CC-M, M.M. UofWisc-Madison, Adv.Dipl. in Kodaly Appr., Cert. in Rolland Pedagogy. Faculty-Ann Arbor Suzuki Institute. Believes that through music study everyone can develop talent and grow noble hearts. She draws on her Suzuki training and a lifetime of violin/viola study, performance and teaching. She played in Jerusalem Symph, Primavera Chamb. Orch.-London, Cleveland Chamb. Symph, Ann Arbor S.O. and others. Taught at Blue Lk Arts Camp, MI. Directs state string exams. She uses enjoyable and challenging music games to help her students sharpen their musicianship skills, stretch their abilities, learn to listen and work with others, focus and persist at tasks, develop habits for resilience, achievement and excellence, and learn to love and share music. In gaining these values she hopes her students will enjoy fulfilling lives and make meaningful contributions to help create a better world for everyone.