Sharon Jones

At age ten, Sharon Jones met Dr. Suzuki and participated in his group classes at ASI in Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Three years later, she had the unique opportunity to work with Dr. Suzuki at an ISME Conference in her hometown of London, Canada as part of a small group of North American children. After spending four months in Japan in 1985, her mother, Dorothy Jones, returned home and began work on the Suzuki school she had promised Suzuki she would start. It was at this time she asked Sharon to begin developing the baby/toddler curriculum, which is now known as Suzuki Early Childhood Education (SECE) and used in SECE classrooms worldwide. Sharon is an SAA registered Teacher Trainer in SECE. She is the founding director of the Thames Valley Suzuki School in London, Ontario. Sharon has been a clinician in Canada, US, Ireland, Japan, Brazil, Spain, Mexico, and Australia.