Daniela Gongora

Daniela Gongora holds a Master’s degree and Bachelor’s degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Rhode Island. She began her studies at the Pallotti School of Music in Belize City, Belize. She is the Director of the Daniela Gongora Music Academy located in Norwalk CT and performs as a free lance violinist and violist in Southern Connecticut and neighboring New York. She has received her Suzuki training through the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Her students have all received recognition in their own right as music scholarship recipients to universities. They have been accepted into advancement programs in conservatories such as The Juilliard School. Ms. Gongora is the director of the Belize Suzuki Summer Institute an endeavor which gives the students and teachers in Belize accessibility to training and higher music learning in the Suzuki Method.