Bekka Eöwind

Bekka Eller Eöwind (Schellenberg), violinist, began her studies in the Suzuki method at age 3. She joined the Suzuki School of Newton]Suzuki School of Newton[/url] faculty in 2000, and now teaches at Música Franklin, a non-profit after-school music program for children in underserved communities in Greenfield, Massachusetts. She maintains a private studio, “[url=]Woodland Musicians,”[/url] in Southern VT.
A life-long lover of Ancient Classical studies, Bekka earned a B.A. in Latin from the University of Rochester, while pursuing her violin studies and Suzuki teacher training at Eastman with Anastasia Jempelis. She passionately dedicated her free time to the University’s musical ensembles, continuing her studies at the graduate program at SIUE in Edwardsville, IL, with Carol Smith and Vera McCoy-Sulentic. Bekka formerly taught Suzuki violin in St. Louis, Iowa City, Cedar Rapids Symphony School, and from 2005 to 2018 directed an independent Suzuki studio in Jamaica Plain, Boston.