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September 1, 2012 by Nikki Lemire, Jill Whitman
The Suzuki harp teachers in the Americas, though one of the smallest groups represented at the conference, were nonetheless encouraged and engaged in the several harp sessions and master classes given by the presenters.
Guest clinician Karen Gottlieb, from San Francisco,… Read more ▶
August 11, 2011 by Leslie Mizrahi
Un gran medio para afilar tus herramientas de enseñanza.
Con comentarios de Etna Diemecke y Fabiola Sigala
Este extraordinario taller nos ha llevado a apreciar aún más el arte de enseñar.
Este arte involucra el instrumento, la música, el alumno y los padres… Read more ▶
December 1, 2009
For lots of great information about Suzuki Harp, see the new Suzuki Harp Info website created by Mary Kay Waddington and the Suzuki Harp Committee. Read more ▶
November 1, 2005 by Kathleen Spring
One of the benefits of being a teacher of young children is having a good reason to indulge in a weakness for attractive children’s books. The waiting students need books to look at and/or read, right? Of course being a… Read more ▶
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