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Feed for Flute newsAll Flute pictures / Share your pictures
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Feed for Flute newsOne of the best ways to communicate with other Suzuki Flute teachers is through the Suzuki Flute Forum. This listserve is an informal and unofficial meeting place for Suzuki Flute teachers worldwide.
You will need a Yahoo account to join. When you sign up, please provide the name of your teacher trainer, the unit(s) studied, the Institute(s) where you received training, and your current SAA membership number in the “Comments to Owner” field of the sign up form.
Visit the Suzuki Flute Yahoo! group.
The SAA Flute Committee meets annually at the Conference or Leadership Retreat as well as in bi-monthly conference calls. The committee is open to all Suzuki flute teachers and rotates in two year terms. If you are interested in learning more or joining the committee please contact the Chair.
Evanston, IL
Phone: 773-318-9896
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Barre, VT
Phone: 802-881-9153
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Kingsport, TN
Phone: 423-534-4070
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Hackensack, NJ
Phone: 201-315-2615
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Cambridge, ON, Canada
Phone: 226-808-1083
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