Violin Unit 3
Oct 29Dec 3, 2024 in
at Studio of David Strom


Violin Unit 3

Instructor: David Strom

Event Contact & Sign up


Additional Schedule Information

This course will meet on the following Tuesdays from 11 am- 2 pm:

10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19, 12/3

Scholarships available for Black teachers.

Prerequisite course:

Viola Unit 2, or Violin Unit 2

Audition: Violin Basic, or Violin Intermediate, or Violin Comprehensive, or Viola Intermediate, or Viola Comprehensive.

Deadline: All audition materials must be submitted by October 15 *

Signup closed.

Trainer Information

David Strom

David Strom resides in the Washington, DC, area, where he co-directs the Northern Virginia Suzuki Music School in Mclean, VA, with Ronda Cole and the Herndon Suzuki School in Ashburn, VA, with Will Hurd. Mr. Strom is an SAA Registered Teacher Trainer. He is a frequent clinician at workshops and institutes around the country. He holds a BM from the Hartt School and an MM from the University of Maryland. David is a former Suzuki kid, and proud father of daughter Juliet.


Tuesday, October 29 to Tuesday, December 3, , 2024


This event will be held online.

The SAA sets guidelines for Suzuki institutes, festivals and teacher workshops and sanctions separate organizations to manage such events. For specific information on schedules, enrollment, pricing, housing, etc. please contact sponsoring organizations directly. Please see the Event Listing Guide regarding the posting of events.