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May 2017 Education and ConnectionHave you heard the new SAA podcast?“Building Noble Hearts: Inside a Teaching Community” is a thoughtful exploration of Suzuki principles and this teaching community of parents, teachers, and students. It’s an entertaining and engaging way to educate anyone about not only Suzuki philosophy, but good teaching everywhere. Feel free to share the link to teachers, families, and your prospective members as an extra offering from you.
Archived Chapter WiseLooking for an older edition of Chapter Wise? You can now find archived editions on the SAA website under the News tab, or click here. Why Affiliate?Are you part of a Suzuki Association that is not yet affiliated with the SAA? Affiliation is a step that strengthens your organization as well as the SAA. Some of the benefits of officially connecting your Suzuki Association with the SAA include:
SAA Credit for Workshop ClassesDid you know your teachers can earn SAA credit from your workshops? The Suzuki Association of Minnesota Fall Workshop did just this. Their Fall Workshop and Annual Meeting bring together members from across the state to support and encourage one another. Teachers may share ideas as they attend or present sessions, pedagogy workshops and masterclasses. Enrichment Study or Supplementary Courses can be set up for credit from the SAA. Details can be found in the Teacher Development Document, or write
Connecting Chapter Members to the SAAIt is an interesting puzzle—how to connect the membership of Chapters to the SAA? The Fall Annual report creates a solid accounting of SAA members in chapters, but some chapters have gone beyond this step to connect the SAA to local Chapter Activities. The NTSA did this well with their scholarship competition as they streamlined it to match with the SAA’s student audition process for the Minneapolis Conference. Another way NTSA connected with the SAA was when they held a workshop taught by Ed Kreitman for their teachers. NTSA created the event with one goal of allowing teachers to register the workshop with the SAA as additional training. This possibly created a larger draw for the event, as well as ensured their members who registered their training with the SAA were current members.
The Rule of SevenLast month, in a conversation with the leadership of the North Carolina Suzuki Association, the question was asked, “How do we get new SAA members in our area to know about our Chapter, understand it’s benefits, and get them to join?” This is a good place for the Rule of 7. A general rule in marketing is that a person needs to be introduced to your organization 7 times before they take action. Here’s an article on it. The Soft Skills of LeadershipChapter leadership is often filled with skills which can accommodate some like accounting, following bylaws, and passing new amendments. But our Suzuki teacher skills of “building relationships, communicating so you’re understood, building trust, enrolling others into a vision, relating with empathy” are just as important. In the business world these are nicknamed “soft skills,” but they are the skills that actually get organizations moving. Embrace your soft skills.
Have a great picture to share?We are looking for photos of students performing in their community. Did your chapter invite the public to a graduation recital? Are there studios that played in an assisted living facility, street fair, or mall? Send a picture our way and we will share favorites in the Short Score monthly newsletter!
Reaching Everyone?Everyone in your chapter leadership should be on the mailing list to receive Chapter Wise, but if there are potential leaders waiting in the wings, former leaders you would like to keep informed, or (horror!) people in your leadership we have missed, they can add themselves on their personal SAA member page, under “email preferences.” We would love to hear from you about info you would like to see highlighted, solution-finding suggestions, and what is working for you. Chapter Goals: ❦ Connect: Build community among all students, parents, and teachers. ❦ Educate: Provide resources and/or support to teachers and parents, new and current, concerning Suzuki teaching and ideals. ❦ Support: Financially benefit teachers and students for further enrichment (conferences, institutes, workshops). ❦ Celebrate: Arrange Concerts, Graduation, Celebration, Cross Instrument Recitals, Honors Recitals to rejoice in music together. ❦ Respect: Support the Suzuki name/ brand/legacy by assuring SAA membership for teachers, broadening membership, and providing grassroots feedback to the SAA. Questions? Comments? Write to |
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