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Dear SAA Community: I have had the distinct pleasure of hearing from several of you during one-on-one meetings, which began this month. You can still sign up for a time by using this link. Times are available through next May. It has been wonderful to hear the various perspectives our members bring to our work, ranging from excitement about our direction to hesitation about the quality of our work decreasing as online programming increases. I’ve also heard concern for our students’ experiences over the last two years, and a deep hope for our organization to be more inclusive. The agreement we all have is that the philosophy of Dr. Suzuki is one that has impacted each of our lives in ways we can’t begin to describe, and it is our responsibility to make sure his work moves forward. If you’d like for me to hear more about your own thoughts about the organization, please sign up for a time at the link above. It’s a privilege to hear from each of you, and I’m grateful to all who have shared their insights so far. In the coming month, we’ll be connecting with Teacher Trainers, Institute Directors, and our all members through our Community Gathering. We also have scholarships available to those in Latin America, which you can learn more about below. For those in our community interested in writing, we would love for you to submit your thoughts on Suzuki Practice: What does it mean to be a Suzuki practitioner? What does it mean to practice the Suzuki philosophy and method? We know the thoughts are far and wide. Send your thoughts along! Have a great month ahead! Sincerely, Angelica Cortez News & Insights from the SAA:¡Solicitudes de becas para América Latina! | Latin American Scholarship Applications! Ahora estamos aceptando aplicaiones de becas de nuestros amigos de América Latina. Los miembros de América Latina pueden aplicar para las becas hasta el 15 de octubre de 2022. Puede obtener más información en este enlace. ¡Asegúrese de solicitar antes de la fecha límite! Agora estamos aceitando inscrições de nossos amigos na América Latina. Os membros latino-americanos podem se candidatar a bolsas de estudo até 15 de outubro de 2022. Você pode obter mais informações neste link—não deixe de solicitar antes do prazo! We are currently accepting scholarship applications! Members from Latin America can apply for scholarships before October 15, 2022. You can learn more at this link. Be sure to apply before the deadline! Teacher Trainers & Institute Director Meetings We’ll be hosting meetings for Teacher Trainers and Institute Directors in the month of October! Teacher Trainers will meet on October 19th from 9-10a PT. The link has been sent to all Teacher Trainers, and will be sent again in October. Institute Directors will meet on a date to be determined—please keep an eye out on your emails! Thank you! American Suzuki Journal Call for Submissions! The American Suzuki Journal is seeking articles for our November publication! The issue’s theme centers around the Suzuki Practice. What does it mean to be a Suzuki practitioner? A Suzuki Teacher? Suzuki Parent? Or a Suzuki Student? We are interested in exploring how a practice—a living and constantly changing way of doing things—incorporates and intertwines with the core principles of the Suzuki Method. Or perhaps how you believe you practice Suzuki. How do you, as a Suzuki teacher, student, or parent, balance these principles with other philosophies and with your own creativity? These are HUGE ideas, and we’d love to talk more about them if you’re interested in writing. Please reach out to with thoughts, questions, or just to say hello! Guidelines can be found here and the submission form can be found at the link below:
Due date: October 14 Community Gatherings Be sure to register for our Community Gatherings! Community Gatherings are a time for members to gather with Executive Director, Angelica Cortez to ask questions, hear about recent news, updates, and to connect with one another. Register at the links below to attend, and a Zoom link will be sent to the email address you provide. If you have questions or concerns you would like to have our Executive Director speak about, please submit them at this link. Register for the Community Gatherings at the links below!
Suzuki Principles In Action Congratulations! Congratulations to Sirena Huang (USA), Gold Medal winner of the 2022 International Violin Competition of Indianapolis! Sirena is a graduate of the Juilliard School and Yale University and began her violin studies with SAA Teacher Trainer Linda Fiore at the University of Hartford’s Hartt Community Division Suzuki Program in Connecticut. Serving on the jury panel was Noah Bendix-Balgley, member of the SAA Honorary Board. All performances are archived and may be viewed at this link. Have a congratulations you’d like to send? Reach out to us at us on social media! Please feel free to follow us on social media. At the moment, we are using Instagram as a means of connecting with you on Social Media! This is primarily due to an access issue on our Facebook page.
The Board had its first meeting of the fiscal year in August. Our meeting focused largely on orientation materials, and finalizing plans for our year ahead. We have finalized our Board Meeting Schedule, our committee assignments and schedules, and our priorities for this year. This year’s full board meetings will happen virtually in the months of August, October, and November. Our committee meetings will take place in the months of September, and December, or as needed. Our board priorities include clarifying our mission and vision, our board policies, as well as focusing and improving our finance processes and reenergizing our fundraising efforts. We are looking forward to working together with the staff in the year ahead!
¡Ecuador celebró su Décimo Festival Internacional Suzuki! Cada año, el proyecto comunitario INEPE (Instituto de Investigación, Educación y Promoción Popular del Ecuador) encabeza la organización el Festival Internacional Suzuki Ecuador con el apoyo de la Red Suzuki Ecuador; se trata de un evento de capacitación docente en el que se imparten cursos de metodología e instrumentos, abordando los principios de la Filosofía y Método Suzuki. Este año fue particularmente especial pues se celebró el décimo aniversario del Festival Internacional Suzuki en este país, por lo cual tuvieron lugar no solamente cursos de capacitación, sino también recitales de estudiantes Suzuki, conciertos de dos de los maestros entrenadores, un taller para guitarristas y una charla para familias. Con gran emoción pudimos vivir 15 días de festival presencial y ocho días de un curso online y la charla para familias, en este mismo formato. En el marco del X Festival Internacional Suzuki Ecuador se realizó un profundo y sentido homenaje a nuestra maestra Caroline Fraser, pionera en el trabajo del método en América Latina, quien ha coordinado en todas las ediciones del festival los cursos de Filosofía, Piano y Lectura Musical. En este homenaje contamos con el testimonio de familias donde el trabajo con el método ha marcado sus vidas, hubo presentaciones musicales, palabras dedicadas a la maestra quien cerró con su testimonio al haber acompañado durante 10 años todas las vivencias del festival Suzuki en Ecuador. Asimismo, por vez primera en nuestro país tuvimos la presencia de los maestros y maestras Fabio Dos Santos (Brasil), Miguel Aguirre (México), Blancamaría Montecinos (Chile) y Guillermo Rizzotto (Argentina-Barcelona), quienes coordinaron los cursos de capacitación y taller con la presencia de profesionales provenientes de Quito, Ibarra, Latacunga, Guayaquil y Loja. Los dos eventos online contaron con la coordinación de las maestras Diana Chagalj (Argentina) y Kelly Williamson (Canadá). Los recitales fueron el escenario donde niños, niñas y adolescentes de los y las docentes de la Red Suzuki Ecuador pudieron alegrar el corazón del público presente con melodías interpretadas en piano, charango (el INEPE tiene un programa inédito de aplicación del Método Suzuki en la enseñanza de este instrumento), violín y violonchelo. Los maestros Miguel Aguirre y Guillermo Rizzotto brindaron dos hermosos conciertos en piano y guitarra respectivamente, los cuales dieron un toque especial al festival y motivaron de gran manera a la audiencia que pudo presenciar estos dos eventos. Durante el festival, la ciudad de Quito se convirtió en el punto de encuentro para varios músicos y pedagogos del país y continente. Todos los cursos cuentan con el aval de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador y la Asocaición Suzuki de las Américas. El festival es fruto de un profundo esfuerzo de autogestión, donde se aunan esfuerzos de todo el personal del INEPE con el apoyo de una red de corazones que se han solidarizado con este trabajo, y de la entrega de todo un equipo que da lo mejor de sí para promocionar y difundir el método Suzuki en Ecuador y en la Región, labor que alimenta el espíritu de la comunidad año tras año. Actividades de la Asociación Suzuki del Perú La Asociacion Suzuki del Perú (ASP) está en pleno proceso de preparación de los Conciertos de Graduación Nacionales de Flauta Dulce, Flauta Traversa, Guitarra, Piano, Violín y Violonchelo. Para esto, más de doscientos estudiantes y sus profesores de muchas regiones del Perú han mandado videos con las piezas del nivel que quieren graduar. Se han formado equipos de profesores por instrumento para observar los videos, felicitar los logros y también dar sugerencias para mejorar. Estos conciertos se transmitirán de manera virtual durante los meses de Octubre y Noviembre. Se han convertido en una muy buena fuente de motivación para estudintes y profesores. Además es una excelente oportunidad para trabajar en equipo, recibir retroalimentación y unir lazos para trabajar juntos. Esta es la tercera ocasión que se hacen estos conciertos. Vemos con alegría cómo cada año más estudiantes y profesores están participando. Asimismo, la ASP se encuentra a las puertas del XVIII Taller Nacional Suzuki de Música, que tendrá lugar del 29 de septiembre al 11 de octubre. En este importante evento se realizarán cursos de capacitación, clases maestras para estudiantes Suzuki del perú, y un Taller de Orquesta. Se contará con la presencia de varios maestros y maestras capacitadores de varias partes del continente y de Europa: maestra Caroline Fraser (Escocia), Fernando Piñero (Argentina), Lucha Labarthe y Roxana del Barco (Perú) y se ofrecerán los siguientes cursos: Filosofía Suzuki, Violín 2 y Estrategias de la Enseñanza, Estimulación Musical Temprana 1. Para información e inscripciones, se puede contactar con la oficina de la Asociación Suzuki del Perú al correo: Asamblea General de la Asociación Musical Suzuki de Brasil El 27 de agosto, la AMSBrasil realizó su asamblea general en línea, compartiendo con sus miembros los logros y trabajos realizados en los últimos dos años, además de realizar una rendición de cuentas. También se realizaron elecciones de nuevos miembros de la junta directiva y del consejo fiscal, cargos que se ejercen voluntariamente, en el que cada uno dona voluntariamente su tiempo para cumplir los objetivos del bien colectivo. La actual administración contará con el siguiente equipo:
o Aline Lima o Simone dos Santos o Adonay das Neves
o Ricardo Seud o Mayumi Tramontina Katagiri Este momento especial, de encuentro con colegas y amigos, también proporcionó un rico intercambio de ideas para mejorar y fortalecer nuestra querida asociación. ¡Le deseamos éxito a la nueva junta! Reiteramos la más cordial invitación a todos los países de América Latina que trabajan con el Método Suzuki para enviar información sobre todas las acciones que han venido realizando (organización de sus asociaciones, eventos y actividades que se están programando, etc.) con el fin de compartir ellos en las siguientes publicaciones. Esta información se puede enviar al correo electrónico: Ecuador celebrated its Tenth International Suzuki Festival! Every year, the community-based project INEPE (Institute for Research, Education and Promotion of Ecuador) leads the organization of the Suzuki International Festival in this country with the support of the Suzuki Ecuador Network; it is a teacher training event in which courses on methodology and instruments are given, addressing the principles of the Suzuki Philosophy and Method. This year was particularly special because the tenth anniversary of the Suzuki International Festival was celebrated in Ecuador, for which not only training courses were held, but also recitals by Suzuki students, concerts by two of the teacher trainers, a workshop for guitarists and a talk for families. With great emotion we were able to live 15 days of face-to-face festival and eight days of an online course and talk for families, in this same format. Within the framework of the X Suzuki Ecuador International Festival, a deep and heartfelt tribute was made to our teacher Caroline Fraser, pioneer in the work with the method in Latin America, who has coordinated the Filosofía, Piano and Music Reading courses in all the editions of the festival. In this tribute we had the testimony of families whose lives had been marked by the work with the method; there were music performances, and words dedicated to Caroline. The event ended with her testimony having accompanied all the experiences of the Suzuki festival in Ecuador for 10 years. Likewise, for the first time in our country we had the presence of teachers Fabio Dos Santos (Brazil), Miguel Aguirre (Mexico), Blancamaría Montecinos (Chile) and Guillermo Rizzotto (Argentina-Barcelona), who coordinated the training courses and workshop with the presence of professionals from Quito, Ibarra, Latacunga, Guayaquil and Loja. The two online events were coordinated by teachers Diana Chagalj (Argentina) and Kelly Williamson (Canada). The recitals were the stage where children and adolescents from the Red Suzuki Ecuador teachers were able to gladden the hearts of the audience present with melodies performed on piano, charango (INEPE has an unprecedented program for the application of the Suzuki Method with this instrument), violin and cello. Teachers Miguel Aguirre and Guillermo Rizzotto gave two beautiful concerts on piano and guitar, respectively, which gave the festival a special touch and greatly motivated the audience that was able to witness these two events. During the festival, the city of Quito became the meeting point for various musicians and educators from the country and the continent. All courses have the endorsement of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador and the Suzuki Association of the Americas. The festival is the result of a profound self-management work, where the efforts of all INEPE staff are joined with the support of a network of hearts that have shown solidarity with this work, and the dedication of an entire team that gives its best to promote and spread the Suzuki method in Ecuador and in the Region, work that feeds the spirit of the community year after year. Activities of the Suzuki Association of Peru The Suzuki Association of Peru (ASP) is in the process of preparing the National Graduation Concerts for Recorder, Flute, Guitar, Piano, Violin and Cello. For this, more than two hundred students and their teachers from many regions of Peru have sent videos with the pieces of the level they want to graduate. Teams of teachers per instrument have been formed to watch the videos, congratulate the achievements and also give suggestions for improvement. These concerts will be broadcast online during the months of October and November. They have become a very good source of motivation for students and teachers. It is also an excellent opportunity to work as a team, receive feedback and bond to work together. This is the third time that these concerts are held. We see with joy how each year more students and teachers are participating. Likewise, the ASP is at the gates of the XVIII National Suzuki Workshop, which will take place from September 29 to October 11. In this important event, training courses, master classes for Suzuki students from Peru, and an Orchestra Workshop will be held. Several teacher trainers from various parts of the continent and Europe will be present: Caroline Fraser (Scotland), Fernando Piñero (Argentina), Lucha Labarthe and Roxana del Barco (Peru) and the following courses will be offered: Filosofía, Violin 2 and Teaching Strategies, Estimulación Musical Temprana 1. For information and registration, you can contact the office of the Suzuki Association of Peru: General Assembly of the Suzuki Musical Association of Brazil On August 27th, AMSBrasil held its general meeting online, sharing with its associates the achievements and work carried out over the last two years, as well as offering due accountability. Elections were also held for new members of the board of directors and the fiscal council, positions held voluntarily, in which each one donates his∕her time voluntarily to meet the objectives of the collective good. The current administration will have the following team:
o Aline Lima o Simone dos Santos o Adonay das Neves
o Ricardo Seoud o Mayumi Tramontina Katagiri This special moment, of meeting colleagues and friends, also provided a rich exchange of ideas to enhance and strengthen our dear association. We wish success to the new board! We reiterate the most cordial invitation to all Latin American countries that work with the Suzuki Method to send information on all the actions they have been carrying out (organization of their associations, events and activities that are being programmed, etc.) in order to share them in the following publications. This information can be sent to the email: asociació Equador comemorou seu Décimo Festival Internacional de Suzuki! Todos os anos, o projeto comunitário INEPE (Instituto de Pesquisa, Educação e Promoção Popular do Equador) lidera a organização do Festival Internacional Suzuki Equador, com o apoio da Rede Suzuki Equador. É um evento de formação de professores, em que são ministrados cursos de metodologia e instrumentos, abordando os princípios da Filosofia e do Método Suzuki. Este ano foi particularmente especial porque celebrou-se o décimo aniversário do Festival Internacional de Suzuki, durante o qual se realizaram não apenas os cursos de formação, mas também recitais de alunos Suzuki, concertos de dois dos professores capacitadores, um workshop para violonistas e uma palestra para as famílias. Com muita emoção pudemos vivenciar 15 dias de festival presencial e outros oito dias de um curso online e palestra para as famílias, também neste formato. No âmbito do X Festival Internacional Suzuki Equador, foi realizada uma homenagem muito profunda e especial à nossa professora capacitadora Caroline Fraser, pioneira no trabalho com o método na América Latina, e que tem coordenado os cursos de Filosofia, Piano e Leitura Musical em todas as edições do festival. Esta homenagem contou com o depoimento de famílias que tiveram suas vidas marcadas pelo método, com apresentações musicais, e com palavras dedicadas à professora, que encerrou com seu depoimento sobre suas experiências ao longo destes 10 anos acompanhando o festival Suzuki no Equador. Da mesma forma, pela primeira vez tivemos a presença dos professores capacitadores Fabio Dos Santos (Brasil), Miguel Aguirre (México), Blancamaría Montecinos (Chile) e Guillermo Rizzotto (Argentina-Barcelona), que coordenaram os cursos de capacitação; e oficinas com a presença de profissionais de Quito, Ibarra, Latacunga, Guayaquil e Loja. Os eventos online foram coordenados pelas professoras capacitadores Diana Chagalj (Argentina) e Kelly Williamson (Canadá). Os recitais foram o palco onde crianças e adolescentes dos professores da Red Suzuki Equador puderam alegrar os corações do público presente com melodias executadas ao piano, charango (o INEPE tem um programa inédito de aplicação do Método Suzuki no ensino deste instrumento), violino e violoncelo. Os maestros Miguel Aguirre e Guillermo Rizzotto ofereceram dois belos concertos ao piano e violão, respectivamente, dando um toque especial ao festival e motivando o público que presenciou estes dois eventos. Durante o festival, a cidade de Quito tornou-se o ponto de encontro de vários músicos e pedagogos do país e do continente. Todos os cursos contaram com o aval da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Equador e da Associação Suzuki das Américas. O festival é fruto de um profundo esforço de autogestão, onde a dedicação de toda a equipe do INEPE se soma ao apoio de uma rede de corações solidários com este trabalho, e com o empenho de toda uma equipe que dá o seu melhor para promover e difundir o método Suzuki no Equador e na Região, alimentando o espírito da comunidade ano após ano. Atividades da Associação Suzuki do Peru A Associação Suzuki do Peru (ASP) está em processo de preparação dos Concertos Nacionais de Formatura para Flauta, Flauta Transversal, Violão, Piano, Violino e Violoncelo. Para isso, mais de duzentos alunos e seus professores de várias regiões do Peru enviaram vídeos com as peças do nível que desejam se formar. Foram formadas equipes de professores por instrumento para assistir aos vídeos, parabenizar as conquistas e também dar sugestões de melhoria. Estes concertos, que serão transmitidos virtualmente durante os meses de outubro e novembro, se tornaram uma fonte muito boa de motivação para alunos e professores. É também uma excelente oportunidade para trabalhar em equipe, receber feedback e criar vínculo para trabalharmos juntos. Esta é a terceira vez que estes concertos são realizados. Vemos com alegria como a cada ano mais alunos e professores participam do evento. Da mesma forma, a ASP está para iniciar o XVIII Oficina Nacional de Música Suzuki, que correrá entre 29 de setembro e 11 de outubro. Neste importante evento, serão realizados cursos de capacitação, master classes para alunos da Suzuki do Peru e uma Oficina de Orquestra. Estarão presentes vários professores e formadores de várias partes do continente e da Europa: professora Caroline Fraser (Escócia), Fernando Piñero (Argentina), Lucha Labarthe e Roxana del Barco (Peru). Serão oferecidos os seguintes cursos: Filosofia Suzuki, Violino 2 e Estratégias de Ensino, Estimulação Musical para a primeira infância 1. Para informações e inscrições, entre em contato com o escritório da Associação Suzuki do Peru no e-mail: Assembleia Geral da Associação Musical Suzuki do Brasil Em 27 de agosto a AMSBRasil realizou sua assembleia geral de forma online, compartilhando com seus associados as conquistas e os trabalhos realizados ao longo dos últimos dois anos, bem como oferecendo a devida prestação de contas. Também se realizou a eleição para novos membros da diretoria e do conselho fiscal, cargos ocupados de forma voluntária, no qual cada um doa seu tempo para atender aos objetivos do bem coletivo. A atual administração contará com a seguinte equipe:
o Aline Lima o Simone dos Santos o Adonay das Neves
o Ricardo Seoud o Mayumi Tramontina Katagiri Este momento especial, de reencontro de colegas e amigos, também proporcionou rico intercâmbio de ideias para engrandecer e fortalecer nossa querida associação. Desejamos sucesso à nova diretoria! Reiteramos o mais cordial convite a todos os países latino-americanos que trabalham com o Método Suzuki para que enviem informações sobre todas as ações que vêm realizando (organização de suas associações, eventos e atividades que estão sendo programadas, etc.) para compartilhar nas seguintes publicações. Essas informações podem ser enviadas para o e-mail: If you are interested in becoming a Premier Business Member please contact the SAA office. |
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