Canadian Newsletter

Dear Canadian SAA member, [en français]

It is guaranteed that this Autumn is unlike any Autumn of years gone past. The e-Newsletter Committee hopes that you have found some equilibrium to your present situation.

The Canadian e-Newsletter continues, however! Volume 3, No. 1 will be published around Jan 15, 2021. Therefore, I am inviting you to submit an article and/or an announcement in French or in English for the fifth issue of the e-Newsletter and forward your submission on or before Nov. 2, 2020. The Canadian e-Newsletter has developed a website to streamline communication without our community and can be accessed here:  When your article or announcement is ready, please go to the “Submission” page on the website and follow the directions.

We need to remind you that there is a 500 word limit for articles; this will be strictly enforced! Secondly, it is not necessary that writers include a bio, because SAA provides the link to the author’s bio on the website.  Please verify that the author of the article is a member of SAA.  And, the November 2nd deadline is firm!

Some specific suggestions for submissions:

  1. Getting acquainted: all Canadians will benefit from learning about programs which are isolated or in remote parts of our country. If you live in one of our isolated or remote areas, tell us who you are, your instrument, number of students, where you teach, anything distinctive about your program, etc.

  2. Discuss issues or special challenges in your Suzuki community, particularly during this pandemic,and how you have handled them, particularly if you believe that other communities might benefit from your experience.

  3. An effective ‘testimonial’ from a parent advocating for Suzuki education or relating to singularly motivating experience for a Suzuki student. During the pandemic, there will be many!

  4. Pictures! Our readers have indicated how much they appreciate pictures.

We invite you also to submit an announcement of an event that will occur in your area between late Jan. and June of 2021.

As your provincial and territorial representatives, we invite you to submit your article or announcement to the website ( no later than November 2nd, 2020 so it can be included in the upcoming fifth issue (Vol. 3, No. 1).  If you have any questions, please feel free to click on the name of your provincial or territorial representative below to send an email.

Your Suzuki colleagues,

Katie Avery, YT Paul Madryga, MB Lauren Smee, NL
Rick Dorfer, BC Margot Jewell, ON NS (pending)
Thomas Schoen, AB Josée Desjardins, QC Sue Irvine, PE
Nicole Wilton, SK Angela Mosher Phi, NB

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Suzuki Association of the Americas
PO Box 17310, Boulder CO 80308