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April 2009

Certificate of Achievement

The Level 1 Certificate of Achievement application is now available online.

Requirements include registered training in Books 1-4 plus Practicum, 3 years of SAA membership and Suzuki teaching experience, commitment to Aspirational Ethics Code, and video of teaching and student performances.

Read more and download the application

Conference 2010

May 27-31, 2010 marks the SAA’s 14th Biennial Conference in Minneapolis, MN, at the Hilton Hotel and Convention Center. Be sure to save the dates for this special event! The theme for 2010 is TEAMWORK.

Ensembles and chamber music at many levels will be featured throughout the weekend. The Claremont Trio will be featured in this year’s Gala Benefit Concert. SAA members and former Suzuki students who are now young artist-teacher professionals will present sessions and master classes.

Watch for audition requirements for student participants and other details in May both on the website and in the spring ASJ.

Essay Contest Reminder

The Minijournal essay contest, sponsored by Thomasitk-Infeld, ends April 28! Two winners will receive a full set of Thomastik strings of their choice. Go online for essay topics and requirements.

Annual Meeting: On-Demand

If you missed the live annual meeting video, you can watch it at your convenience online.

The 2009 Annual Membership Meeting was broadcast live on the web on April 4th, 2009 from the SAA office in Boulder, Colorado. It features the new teacher development video “A Suzuki Teacher’s Pledge”, a tour of the SAA office, and lots of news and trivia.

Institute Training Registration

SAA’s new green training registration system for Institutes is almost ready to go. Institute Directors and Teacher Trainers should keep an eye out for further information coming by email very soon.

One of the benefits to you as a course participant: no more forms to remember to mail in after your course. The Institutes will submit you training registrations electronically, and you will be registered within weeks of completing your course.

133 new members have joined the SAA in the last month. Welcome!

273 participants in the Virtual Leadership Retreat.

Summer Institutes

View the 2009 Summer Institute listings online!
The Promise...The Challenge: A Suzuki Teacher's Pledge. New video online now!

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