Suzuki Association Chapter Wise
July 2017
Chapter Logo

A Collaborating Community

1,000 Attendees!

Sharing ideas and working together come naturally to musicians, especially those in the Suzuki community! The 2018 conference will be an opportunity to gather and share ideas with a focus on the ways in which teachers, parents, and students can work together in support of each other. The theme “A Collaborating Community” invites us to explore the many different forms collaboration can take, both within and outside the SAA community.

The larger our gathering of members, the stronger our conference will be.

Help us reach the goal of 1,000 attendees

Spread the word now to your members to plan to attend the conference Memorial Day weekend. Watch for upcoming news of goals and incentives for areas with high attendance.

Conference2018 News Email
Suzuki Association of Ontario

At the Leadership Retreat in May, many Chapter leaders felt a boost of encouragement and support. One project shared was the efficient, well designed, and attractive Suzuki Association of Ontario Newsletter. SAO redesigned it a few seasons ago and have had a very positive response from their membership, as well from the other leaders who were inspired.

For questions or comments, contact Carmen at

Solution Finder
Suzuki Association of Colorado

In October, the Suzuki Association of Colorado held a multi-layered event which provided enrichment for students and teachers alike.

“On September 24th, we produced an event for students called Fall Festival 2016 that combined the Graduation Recital and Play-In events in both Denver and Grand Junction areas. In Denver, the Piano Play-In took place at the Schmitt music Store. We were well accommodated with over 35 pianos. There were 27 students and 6 teachers involved. The violin/viola/cello/guitar/flute play-in was at the Augustana Lutheran Church in Denver. There were 59 students and 14 teachers involved. In addition to play-in and Graduation recitals, enrichment classes were offered. In Grand Junction, there were 20 students and 5 teachers represented. A teacher/student survey indicated that 100% wanted to repeat the event on an annual basis and had several suggestions for variations or improvements.”

Colorado’s successful event not only offered a variety of education and performance opportunities, but it connected its larger community together by including an awareness of the other activities in other places and other days. By calling the series of events “Fall Festival 2016,” the students can become more aware of the greater Suzuki community of Colorado.

Leadership Links

Feel like your organization isn’t perfect? Hint—no one’s is. Here are some TED talks addressing imperfection and our pursuit of excellence in organizations and also with our students:

“…rather than avoid the mess, pretend it’s not there, we’ve tried to make that our strength.”

“In our pursuit of success and mastery, is it actually our near wins that push us forward?”

End Note

Have you told your membership about the SAA Podcast Building Noble Hearts? This engaging and educational series touches on pillars of Suzuki teaching philosophy—listening, community, an early start—through the stories and lives of members of the Suzuki community. It’s a great resource for education, inspiration, and even entertainment. Spread the word in your newsletters and social media.

Building Noble Hearts—Episode 5

“… the Suzuki environment is one that’s filled with beautiful music, and one where the parent learns to observe the child so carefully that they can celebrate all the small steps.”

Click here to listen and share

Photos that spotlight students and show off your Chapter activities

Have a great picture to share? We are looking for photos of students performing in their community. Did your chapter invite the public to a graduation recital? Are there studios that played in an assisted living facility, street fair, or mall? Send a picture our way and we will share favorites in the Short Score monthly newsletter!

Everyone in your chapter leadership should be on the mailing list to receive Chapter Wise, but if there are potential leaders waiting in the wings, or former leaders you would like to keep informed, or (horror!) people in your leadership we have missed, they can add themselves on their personal SAA member page, under “email preferences.”

We would love to hear from you about info you would like to see highlighted, solution-finding suggestions, and what is working for you.

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Suzuki Association of the Americas
PO Box 17310, Boulder CO 80308